Wednesday 1 September 2021

How did Timothy receive his “gift”?

While working with the Ephesus church (1 Tim. 1:3), Timothy is directed to devote himself “to the public reading of Scripture,”1 accompanied by “exhortation” and “teaching,” apparently linked to the “gift” [chárisma] he is not to neglect (1 Tim. 4:13-14a).2 He received this gift “by prophecy …” (1 Tim. 4:14b). Earlier in the letter Timothy is commissioned to fulfill his ministry, “in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you …” (1 Tim. 1:18). 

Prior to the completion of the NT, prophets were positioned in the local congregations (Acts 13:1-3; 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 2:20; 3:5). As a fairly young Christian, Timothy’s potential in God’s service was recognized by the brethren in Lystra and Iconium (Acts 16:1-2), where there were elders in each church (Acts 14:23). Paul invited the young man to join his mission team (Acts 16:3-5), and Timothy was entrusted with a “gift” through or by means of [diá] prophecy, implemented through or by means of [diá] the laying on of Paul’s hands (2 Tim. 1:6; cp. Acts 19:6).

The local church leaders were also involved in the initial stages of Timothy’s ministerial work, not “when” (ESV) but “with” [metá] (in addition to) the laying on of the hands of the presbutérion, the “presbytery” or “eldership” (1 Tim. 4:14c). This was not a “council” (ESV) separate from the local church (note 1 Tim. 3:1-7) but the group of congregational leaders who “laid their hands on” young Timothy as a customary endorsement and confirmation, approving and appointing him to this ministry (cp. Acts 13:2-3; 1 Tim. 5:22). Any miraculous manifestation of Timothy’s gift would have been actualized through the laying on of an apostle’s hands (2 Tim. 1:6; cp. Acts 8:18).


--Kevin L. Moore



     1 Unless otherwise noted, the text used here is from the English Standard Version.

     2 Cf. Rom. 12:6-8. First-century prophets had control over the exercise of their gift (1 Cor. 14:29-32). 


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