I’ll just go ahead and admit from the start
my extreme personal bias against alcohol consumption. And it has little to do
with what the Bible directly says on the subject. Don’t get me wrong ... I believe
a strong biblical case can be made against social drinking,1 and I
have found eager attempts to justify the practice to be rather shallow and
misleading.2 Nevertheless, my strong disdain is largely based on
personal experience. I am all too familiar with how alcohol has negatively
affected me and members of my family, and I have seen its devastating effects
on the lives and families of so many others. The bottom line is, I have yet to
find anything good that comes from beverage alcohol, while I am painfully aware
of a whole lot of evil associated with it.
Here are a few reasons I
choose to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.
1. If I refuse to take even a single drink, my actions will never
influence my spouse or my children to drink. I take very seriously my
God-given family responsibilities, including my position of leadership in the
home and my role as a husband and father. As I seek to provide for my family,
inclusive of their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs (1 Timothy 5:8),
being a good example is of far greater value than providing incentive or
opportunity to consume intoxicants.
2. If I refuse to take a single drink, my actions will never influence
anyone else to drink. Even if I believed I could occasionally drink alcohol
with no ill effects, I can never say with assurance that no one else will be
adversely affected. This is especially true with respect to my brothers and sisters in Christ who are recovering alcoholics (cf. 1 Cor. 6:9-11). It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a giant
millstone tied around my neck than to lead an innocent soul into sin (Mark
9:42; cf. Prov. 20:1).
3. If I refuse to take a single drink, I will never get drunk. Most
Bible-believers concede that drunkenness is sinful, but what
constitutes drunkenness? Is methuskō (Eph.
5:18) an inceptive verb, marking the initial stages of the process,3
or is drunkenness to be equated only with full-blown inebriation? Who decides?
Science uses blood alcohol content (the percentage of alcohol in the blood) as
a measurement of intoxication for legal and medical purposes. While variables
such as gender, weight, and food consumption determine the extent of alcohol’s
effects, here are the scientific standards.4
To be considered legally drunk in the USA
(as well as countries like Malta, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, and
Singapore), the limit for those over 21 years of age is 0.08. However,
in Costa Rica it is 0.075, while 0.07 is
the limit in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Honduras. For Sri Lankans the threshold is
0.06, and in countries like Austria, Belgium, Denmark and France it is 0.05.
Togo sets the limit at 0.042, and in Columbia it is 0.04. The benchmark in
Jamaica is 0.035, and in India, Japan, and Uruguay it is 0.03. In Belarus blood
alcohol concentration is not to exceed 0.029, while the maximum in China,
Mongolia, Norway and Poland is 0.02. In Algeria, Albania, and Guyana the legal
limit is as low as 0.01.
Is it
reasonable to conclude that a person is drunk in Albania and Guyana but not drunk when the
same amount of liquor is consumed in New Zealand or the United States? How many social
drinkers are in the habit of testing their blood alcohol concentration to see
whether or not they have reached the legal limit, and if God has set his own legal limit, how would that be determined?
It takes about 30 minutes to feel the
effects of alcohol,5
which include (as per blood alcohol levels) slight mood changes (0.02), lowered
inhibitions and impaired judgment (0.06), deterioration of reaction time and
control (0.08), impaired balance and coordination (0.15), decreased sensation
and erratic emotions (0.20), diminished reflexes and semi-consciousness (0.30),
loss of consciousness (0.40), and death (0.50).6 Yet “the absence of symptoms does not
guarantee safe or low blood alcohol levels. With regular drinking a person
develops a tolerance to alcohol that will reduce the outward appearance of high
blood alcohol levels.”7
4. If I refuse to take a single drink, I will never become an alcoholic.
The type of alcohol one drinks is not a factor in determining if there is a
problem.8 While there are those who seem to have a physiological
predisposition for alcoholism, anyone has about a 12% chance of becoming an
alcoholic.9 It doesn’t matter whether my chances are any greater or not if
I am committed to total abstinence. I can easily live without it. For anyone to
say otherwise is to acknowledge there is a problem.
5. If I refuse to take a single drink, I will never alienate myself from
so many good people who are troubled by it. On multiple occasions I have
been offered a drink, and by respectfully declining I have never offended anyone. But
the thought of a professing Christian knowingly indulging in intoxicants is
disturbing to so many. Ethyl alcohol is a habit-forming drug that
routinely divides families, friendships, and churches. If I am to genuinely look out “for the interests of others” (Phil. 2:4) and if love “does not seek
its own” (1 Cor. 13:5), how can I conscientiously insist on
engaging in such divisive and destructive behavior?
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has
appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and
worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present
age” (Titus 2:11-12).
--Kevin L. Moore
1 See the author’s The Christian and Beverage Alcohol. All scripture quotations are from the NKJV.
2 See the author’s Questions & Answers: Beverage Alcohol. Health benefits? See Natilie O'Neill's A bottle of wine ... , Amy Woodyatt's Drinking any amount of alcohol damages the brain, Kayla Rivas' Any amount of alcohol can harm the brain
3 E. W. Bullinger, A Critical Lexicon and Concordance 238;
W. E. Vine, Expository Dictionary
343; R. Young, Analytical Concordance
4 U. S. Department
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Digest of Impaired Driving And Selected
Beverage Control Laws, 27th
ed. (May 27, 2012); also “Blood Alcohol
Concentration (BAC) Limits Worldwide,”
<Link>; and “Blood Alcohol Limit by Country,” <Link>.
5 Bradford Health Articles, “Alcohol 101:
Learning new facts and remembering what you forgot,”
Note that half the people who
attain a blood alcohol level of 0.40 will die, and death has been documented at
levels as low as 0.35. See Chris Bigsby, Erin
Ratcliff, Letitia Rexrode (Radford University), “R U Aware: Blood Alcohol
Levels and Metabolism,” <Link>.
7 Bigsby, Ratcliff, and
Rexrode, op cit.
8 Bradford Health Articles, op cit.
Bill Arck, M.S. and Julie Hamel, M.S., “Alcoholism: Nature vs. Nurture,” in Higher Education- An Informational
Newsletter 54 (Spring 2011): KSU Alcohol and Other Drug
Education Service,
Related Posts: The Weak & Strong (Rom 14:21)
Related articles: Barry Cameron's Can a Christian Drink?, Jamie Morgan's 50 Reasons I Don't Drink, Wes McAdams' What Does the Bible Say?, & Four Reasons I Don't Drink Alcohol, Neal Pollard's What's So 'Social' About It?, Cliff Boyd's Why I Don't Drink; Tom Hermiz's Biblical Perspective on Drinking Wine; Barbara Krantz, Alcohol is Killing More People than the Opioid Crisis, Melissa Cunningham's Alcohol Causes Most Harm, Olga Khazan, America's Favorite Poison, Ben Giselbach's What's So Bad About a Little Alcohol? , Patrick Swayne's Under the Influence, Glenn Colley, Moderate Drinking & Romans 14
Image credit: http://dbda.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/bottle-and-hand-drink-driving.jpg
Image credit: http://dbda.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/bottle-and-hand-drink-driving.jpg