Colossians was written while Paul was incarcerated (Col. 4:3-18), probably during the two years he was confined to house arrest in Rome between 60 and 62 (Acts 28:16-31). An earthquake reportedly destroyed the tri-cities of the Lycus River valley (including Colosse) in the year 60,2 and it has been suggested that the apostle may have been unaware of this tragedy when he sent the letter, or that the letter was drafted before the earthquake. However, considering the close affinity among the prison epistles (see Paul's "Prison Epistles"), it seems more likely that the letter was written near the end of Paul’s two-year Roman imprisonment (early 62), allowing the Colosse residents time to have recovered. Since Onesimus was to accompany both letters to the Colossians and Philemon (Col. 4:9; Philm. 12), and Tychichus was to accompany both letters to the Colossians and the Ephesians (Col. 4:7-8; Eph. 6:21-22), a comparable timeframe is assumed.
The Colossian Heresy
Besides the question of
authorship, probably the main issue concerning Colossians is the nature of the
false teaching it addresses. The heresy appears to have been a combination of
Jewish and Greek philosophical elements. Jewish components included tradition
(2:8), circumcision (2:11; 3:11), observance of the Sabbath and religious
festivals (2:16), and food restrictions (2:16, 21). Greek components were empty
and deceptive philosophy (2:8), basic elements [stoicheia] of the world (2:8, 20), wisdom and knowledge (2:3),
cosmic powers (2:15), and asceticism (2:23). The worship of angels (2:18) was a
unique factor.
Paul’s special focus on
the supremacy of Christ (1:15-19) suggests that the false teaching may have
been undermining the essential view of the Lord’s exalted essence and role. Although
scholars have debated the precise nature of this heresy for many years,3
it is probably best to regard it as a special blend of various religious
elements that particularly affected the unique situation at Colosse.
The purpose of
Colossians appears have been to counter heretical teaching and reaffirm the
proper view of Christ (1:15-19; 2:4-23), as well as to provide ethical
instruction for those living the new life in Christ in a pagan world (2:6-7;
3:1–4:6). “If therefore you were co-raised with Christ, seek the things above,
where Christ is sitting to the right of God; mind the things above, not the
things on the earth. For you died, and your life has been hidden with Christ in
God” (Col. 3:1-3).4
--Kevin L. Moore
1 While it
has been suggested that Colossians could have been written from Ephesus as
early as 55-56, those who deny Pauline authorship place the letter in the 70s
or as late as the 80s or 90s (see R. E. Brown, An Introduction to the NT 615-16; L. M. White, From Jesus to Christianity 261-65).
2 Although
various dates for this earthquake have been proposed by commentators, the year
60 appears to be the most probable. The Armenian city of Tigranocerta
surrendered to the Romans in 59, and the following year a Parthian army, under
the command of Tiridates, was defeated by Roman forces led by General Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. General
Corbulo was then appointed governor of Syria. The previous governor, Gaius
Ummidius Durmius Quadratus, had governed Syria until his death in 60 (see W.
Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Biography and Mythology 3:630-31). The same year, according to Tacitus,
Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake (Annals
14.26-27), and apparently the other cities of the Lycus River valley
(Hierapolis and Colosse) were also devastated (Eusebius, Chronicle 2; cf. Jerome, Chronicle
265.20; also Pliny, Natural History
3 Jewish
mysticism, Essene Judaism, Christian Judaizers, Hellenistic philosophies, mystery
religions, Jewish-Christian syncretism, proto-gnosticism, full-blown
4 Scripture
quotations are the author’s own translation.
Related Posts: Colossians Part 1, Paul's Prison Epistles